2010年1月17日 星期日

Sorry to say this:
we Taiwanese are barbarians

A friend responded to my last entry Taiwan: an emerging civilized society and wandered whether I meant "emerging civil society". Unfortunately, I meant what I wrote: we have the hope to become civilized, but as yet we are barbarians. Here is why:
  • We live with evils like United Daily, China Times, etc that exist to 指鹿為馬. Ever wonder whether a country like United States, Japan, and England has its own brand of United Daily?


    But we Taiwanese don't just have United Daily. We have something equally bad or worse: Central Daily, China Times, and many more.

  • Can you imagine a civilized country have officers like 王建煊, president like馬英九, Premier like 吳敦義, Congressman like 邱毅, judge like 蔡守訓, Grand Justice like Grand Whores that ruled that it is OK to swap out presiding judge?
  • Can you imagine 80% voters helped KMT/CCP destroy Taiwan as in From Taidung 台東: the state of the Taiwan nation? Their children have every probability to be enslaved by Chinese. That did not stop them from helping KMT/CCP seal their children's miserable fate.
  • Every civilized country will laugh with contempt at KMT's unsustainable 18% vote-buying scheme, but most Taiwanese remain silent.
  • 李筱峰 says 台灣[選民]恬不知恥

  • 台灣人是一種「連國將亡也不在乎的經濟動物」(歐洲學者認為台灣有亡國可能)
  • Ad infinitum and ad nauseum ...
We Taiwanese are cannibals who have proudly mastered the fine art of forks. We love perfumes, iPhones and tuxedos, but are deaf and blind to injustice.

With good folks like 大話新聞, 頭家來開講, Taiwan Societies, NATPA/TAUP, DPP ... leading the way, Taiwanese have great hope to become civilized.

1 則留言:

  1. Actually I think KMT is indeed a major source of chaos and lawless in Taiwan, but so as DPP, since it took a lot of bad habits from KMT during its term in office.

    So we should encourage people to vote other political parties other than KMT and DPP, since
    these are evil twins.
