This kind of poll is comically insulting . The difference between 56% and 36% is a tremendous 20%. So, if 聯合's poll is reasonable then 蘋果's is outrageously wrong and vice versa. According to 聯合報,
of those 38% who voted DPP in the Legislative election, more than half will vote for 馬英九 next month. Yet, with every passing day, more and more evidence shows that
馬英九 is extremely incompetent, hypocritical and dishonest, while his opponent 謝長廷 is a man of integrity. Why would Taiwanese favor 馬英九 over 謝長廷 as their president? Assuming 聯合報's poll has truth in it, such things as 聯合報 is ironically the answer . It suggests how successful 聯合報 has been in brainwashing Taiwanese. 聯合報 is capable of packaging 馬英九 that millions of Taiwanese will favor a scoundrel over a decent man.
東森新聞報 - 1小時前總 統選舉候選人今天抽籤。根據《聯合報》最新民調發現,5成6民眾表態挺馬蕭,1成8支持謝蘇,雙方差距再度擴大。謝蘇支持度滑落5個百分點主因可能是線民 事件讓泛綠支持者再度轉為觀望。不過《蘋果日報》在線民事件之前進行的民調卻顯示,有36.3%受訪者表態會將把票投給馬英 ...聯合報民調:馬蕭支持率回升至56% 謝蘇18% 差距再擴大 鉅亨網比誠信》馬49% 謝僅22% 聯合新聞網新臺灣新聞周刊 - 中央日報 - 東方網 - 中時電子報所有 86 則相關新聞 »