2008年2月10日 星期日

星雲: 馬英九 清廉 正直 親民 有原則

If 星雲 is telling a joke, how come Taiwanese are not laughing? And if he is not, why are Taiwanese not angry when this priest praised a lair as honest; a hypocrite as a man of principle?

Stay tuned. Next, 星雲 will
  1. tell us that China is so kind to Taiwan that it only aims 1,300 missiles at Taiwan
  2. explain how after watching this video, he can still say 馬英九清廉: 顏聖冠質詢馬英九. 馬英九承認是公款
What will this 專訪 do for 星雲?
  1. It will go down the history as a hard evidence that he is a KMT/CCP collaborator.
  2. Following his own preaching as a priest, where would he be eternally, having publicly praised a liar honest ?

人間福報 - 2008年2月3日
馬英九正直親民,有原則,作為總統應該有這樣的道德形象。 早前選黨主席,現在選台灣總統,每一個關鍵時刻,我都會在《聯合報》寫評論文章支持馬英九。我一寫文章,他都會打電話給我,說聲「謝謝」。其實,我又不是支持馬英九,我是支持我的良心,支持台灣,支持台灣 ...

