2008年2月16日 星期六


So, Taiwanese hate 公投? How most bizarre! Do they hate democracy? Do they hate oxygen? Let us ponder on this: 馬英九說,國民黨一向的立場是支持公投, 但反對公投綁大選. He is lying and self-contradicting.
  1. If it were true that 國民黨支持公投, then why did KMT makes it nearly impossible to do 公投? History shows that KMT opposes 公投. As usual, 馬英九 lied openly.
  2. 反對公投綁大選 is a clear evidence that KMT opposes 公投, and will try anything to make it impossible to do. Can 馬英九 tells us which democratic country does not do 公投 and 大選 together? Does not USA do 公投綁大選 all the time, everywhere? See how he used the term 綁 to convince us this is a bad thing, even though in practice this is the only way to do 公投.

中央通訊社 - 15小時前
(中央社記者黃彥瑜新竹市十六日電)中國國民黨總統參選人馬英九今天說,國民黨一向的立場是支持公投, 但反對公投綁大選;中央選舉委員會雖然做出公投綁大選的決定,但二月二十二日之前還有機會改變。他說, 中選會改變決定,才是真正解套的辦法,﹁再提別的公投案,只會 ...

