去了日本與韓國之後發現:Some thoughts about Taiwanese and 康師傅.
路上的車子99%是 KIA 與 HYUNDAI
飯店的電視 100%是LG (凱悅也是).
台灣.. 大家都很清楚.. 上面日本、韓國的產品台灣觸目可及、比比皆是
但不清楚的國產車叫什麼? 就連大同電視可能 1%看到的機會都沒有.
請愛台灣.. 如果你(妳)看了這篇報導後,也有同感的話,請用力的給它轉發出去吧!不要屈就於眼前的蠅頭小利,覺得便宜就買。 想一想,每多買一個康師傳,也許日後就多了一個你(妳)認識的人失業了。 關於康師傅請轉寄給你身旁每一位愛台灣的人吧~參考!參考!那些搶購康師傅泡麵的人.. 你或許就是造成台灣人日後失業的間接兇手!
- Remember China intents on swallowing Taiwan, so China is Taiwan's enemy. Consider such things when you buy Chinese products - we should not help enemy swallow us.
- Isn't there a comparable Taiwanese product that can compete with 康師傅?
- Remember how dangerous Chinese products can be and how frightened Taiwanese were about toxic Chinese food just months ago. Before you are certain that 康師傅 is free from melamine or other toxic materials, stay away. Finally, I would like to share a message I received entitled Melamine in Infant Formula [in USA]? Demand Food Safety Now!
Dear Sir,
Two years ago, thousands of American pets – both dogs and cats – died after eating melamine-tainted pet food.
Now, melamine has been discovered in chocolate, cookies and infant formula in the United States. But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to recall the food products and has tried to keep quiet about its findings.
The ongoing melamine controversy is the latest example of the FDA's failure to make food safety a priority. After last fall's Chinese-formula crisis, the FDA said melamine was so dangerous that it couldn't determine a safe amount of melamine to allow in infant formula. The chemical, used in plastics, can sometimes cause kidney failure and death in humans and animals.
But after a media outlet revealed that FDA tests had actually found melamine in infant formula here, the agency did an about-face, saying some levels of the chemical were safe. And the FDA did not issue recalls for the melamine-tainted U.S. formula.
Why is the FDA taking chances with our children and our health? The FDA needs to put public safety before corporate welfare. Please take a moment to join me and sign our petition demanding a better food safety system – voice your support for a better food safety system in the United States »
Thanks for taking action!