2009年1月12日 星期一

Wild Strawberries, a force to be reckoned with

This is a response to 野草莓學生運動的省思(作者: babyihateyou )
作者: babyihateyou (寶貝我討厭你) 看板: action1106
標題: [心得] 關於野草莓
時間: Sat Jan 10 21:40:55 2009
這是我們課程上 大家所做出的一份關於野草莓的報告
希望大家可以一起討論 給我們一些指教
  1. Wild Strawberries have made history. They have left their marks internationally. Random samples of praises:
    • Alan MULCANY Taiwan's Dreyfus Affair: all Taiwanese who care one iota about their country's future had better learn from the Wild Strawberries, and fairly quickly.
    • Rachelle Cohen How fragile a free Taiwan: They are indeed young and idealistic and filled with hope - not unlike their counterparts in the U.S. But here they do not take their freedom for granted. They know it is a special thing, a delicate thing, as delicate as well, a wild strawberry.
  2. Would someone be interested in writing a paper on the technical side of the Wild Strawberries? I would be interested in co-authoring.
  3. Wild Strawberries' ability to reflect is tremendous. Most highly commendable.
  4. In January 2008, NATPA and TAUP join hands to distribute flyers to garner support for UN for Taiwan referendum in five university campuses. There I experienced the indifference and cynicism of university students first hand. It is important to recognize this reality, and not be discouraged.
  5. I would advise the students to see the KMT media as what they are. They are propaganda machines disguised as news media. They collaborated with Ma's regime to wish WS to disappear. See my blog KMT Media.
  6. I would advise the students to refrain from saying 不藍不綠. I understand the reason of such expressions, but it suggests blindness to the injustice 藍 has inflicted on our society [and that WS are fighting]. It also suggests 不分藍綠 and 不分是非.
Wild Strawberries are a force to be reckoned with. All berries should be extremely proud!

