2008年1月20日 星期日

Legislative Yuan: absurdity to the max

  1. Taiwanese think of legislators not as national law makers, but as people who serve them when they have personal needs. For example, when Joe Blow's father passed away, Joe expected his legislator or legislator's wife to appear on his door step and weep. When John Doe's roof was severely demaged in the storm, he too expected his legislator to appear at his door step. In this way, legislators are not respected like US senators. They are respected like 顏清標.
  2. Since Taiwanese do not regard legislators as law makers, legislative election does not look like a congressmen election. To wit,
    • Voters do not care what legislators had done when they run for re-election. The do-nothing legislators get elected, as are KMT legislators who sabotaged Legislative Yuan for the past eight years. On the other hand, voters easily reject legislators with impeccable records. In summary, good performance in Legislative Yuan does not give legislators any advantage. What could be more absurd than this?
    • Integrity and honesty are irrelevant. There is not even one KMT candidate morally acceptable; yet five million Taiwanese voted KMT.
    • In spite of the fact that millions involved in buying and selling votes, the judicial system can never catch and prosecute them, just as the judicial system could not find Ma guilty even though he openly admitted his guilt.
  3. A city mayor is elected by city folks; a county magistrate is elected by county folks. Common sense tells us that to elect national congressmen, we must be using land unit larger than city and county, but the real system uses district so small that it defies any logic.

