2008年1月10日 星期四

2008-01-12: 立委選舉, how to vote?

  1. Vote for good legislators. Vote for the party that has the best score card in the Legislative Yuan in the past seven years. This is common sense of the simplest kind. When you buy apples, would be buy rotten apples? Then why is it that, when it comes to legislators, anyone could vote for KMT, which not only did not do anything good, but did all it could to sabotage Taiwan?
  2. Just in case all candidates in your district are bad, then vote for the one who is the least evil. The differences between candidates can be a matter of your life and death. The worst candidates can cause Taiwan to lose its fragile democracy and cause all citizens to pay for unjust causes (錢坑法案 for example) and candidates' personal bank accounts.
  3. Insist on casting your votes on both 討黨產公投 and 反貪腐公投. Ask yourselves
    • Why中國共產黨和中國國民黨都希望你不公投.
    • Why中國國民黨 is crazy and stupid enough to be openly 反公投 in Taiwan.
    • Why 中國國民黨 is not even afriad of becoming the laughingstock of the whole world of being hyper-hypocritical?
  4. Persuade all your friends and relatives to vote
  5. At the voting booth, help arrest workers who clearly violate laws to try to carry out KMT's agenda and those who try to enforce vote-buying

