- to stop investigating 馬英九's lies and cover-ups of the fact that he is a US permanent resident; perhaps even an American or British citizen.
- It is OK for 馬英九 to be a US permanent resident
- It is OK for 馬英九 to lie constantly
- 中央日報 should be closed down. How can a 日報 tell us not to investigate and report crucial news? I am fully confident that if 中央日報 had discovered that 馬英九 was an American citizen, it would suppress the news. On the other hand, if 謝長廷 were found to be a US permanent resident, would this be news to 中央日報?
- Taiwan government must immediately set up an investigation on 馬英九's American and British citizenship status
- Government and people must set up voter education programs to say
- We should not have a president who is a permanent resident of a foreign country
- We should not elect a president who lies constantly
中央日報 -
謝長廷陣營連日來對馬英九曾持有綠卡的問題,展開連環攻擊,一波接一波,使馬陣營顯得有點手忙腳亂。就戰術層面而言,謝陣營再一次證明了,民進黨的確是選舉的高手。例如他們引用匿名律師的說法,所謂放棄綠卡一定要填某種表格,然後再質問馬英九是否填表。 .
中央日報 -
民進黨總統候選人謝長廷以曾拿美國綠卡為由,對國民黨總統候選人展開一連串的攻擊行動,使得這場總統選選從本應是高格調的政策論辯,淪落為一場無所不用其極的奧步大戰。 謝長廷以綠卡作為攻訐馬英九的武器,無非是看中台灣民眾並不了解綠卡的特性,將美國政府給外國公民 ...