2008年10月6日 星期一

陳明文 謝清志 翁重鈞 李慶安 馬英九

Law is supposed to be fair, protect innocents and punish criminals. In Taiwan, the law is used to do the opposite:
  1. The judicial system is so openly and blatantly unfair it is as if it is challenging the public - we will screw you anyway we wish. What can you do?
  2. It persecutes innocent people like 謝清志 - jailed him for two months.
  3. It protects criminals like 翁重鈞, 李慶安 and 馬英九.
The crimes committed by 翁重鈞, 李慶安 and 馬英九 are so self-evident that it is hard to imagine any plausible defense. Yet the judicial system
  1. used unthinkably absurd arguments to hand 馬英九 a not-guilty verdict. 馬英九's case is certain to live forever in the law textbooks to epitomize judicial system's raping of justice under the sun, and 馬英九's "dress like a gentleman, act like a beast"
  2. refuses to investigate 李慶安's American citizenship. Here is an excerpt from 李慶安到底被起訴沒
    [Translated: why does the judicial system refuse to investigate her?]


  3. refuses to investigate 翁重鈞's 買票. Here is an an excerpt from 曾韋禎的部落格:為什麼蔡啟芳會輸?
    翁重鈞陣營買票買多誇張呢?目前被抓到有13件,全國之冠,被起訴也有2件。不過腦殘的檢察官居然相信樁腳說的「因為欠翁重鈞人情,所以自己出錢幫翁重鈞買票。」就止於樁腳,不向上追查。翁陣營的買票,據言,猶如神風特攻隊,在街上直接就買啦. ...

    Please read the rest of the article to see how the judicial system protected 翁重鈞 against public demand for investigation.
The popularly elected 嘉義縣長陳明文 was arrested and treated like a criminal, interrogated for more than 24 hours, fortunately was finally able to post bond and be released. Why didn't the judicial system protect 陳明文 the way it protected 翁重鈞?

