2008年8月20日 星期三

Who is 建國廣場 傅雲欽?

I started receiving messages from 建國廣場 傅雲欽 a while ago. On the surface, 傅雲欽 proclaims 宣佈獨立是法理台獨的關鍵. But his messages tell a completely different story.
  1. His messages focused on attacking people working for the goal of 建國.
    • 2008-08-16: 《建國廣場通告》台獨的真實信徒絕不會去參加民進黨的走狗辦的遊行! Why does he use expressions like 民進黨的走狗? Isn't it 民進黨 that brings us the many good things we have today, including the freedom of speech? Frankly, I suspect the purpose of the message is to sabotage the 830 anti-Ma rally , which has everything to do with protecting Taiwan, his goal.
    • 2008-08-15: 《建國廣場通告》獨派頭人要為以前挺扁先向台灣人道歉! Why? We did not know 扁 was unethical until now. What was the problem with 挺扁 when he was doing the right thing such as protecting Taiwan from China?
  2. If indeed his goal is 建國, then his enemies are KMT and China, yet his barrage of attacks are exclusively on his comrades:
    • 2008-08-20: A message attacking 鄭弘儀, like so: 徐乃麟又說,「鄭弘儀錯的事做得太多,連馬英九的父親、周邊親戚朋友都可以拿到節目上批評的一文不值,像這種只會撕裂族群、顛倒是非,沒有公平正義的人,如今馬英九當選,他卻說可以不拿錢來主持節目,我覺得對這種人格呀!我非常不以為然。」
    • 2008-08-20: another message has this subject: 《建國廣場通告》謝長廷、蘇貞昌、陳菊等人的「選舉結餘款」也要追究
  3. Let us give 傅雲欽 the benefit of the doubt and assume that he really is interested in social justice. Then why not demand investigation on 李慶安, 王建煊, 馬先生, 連戰, 宋楚瑜 ... as well? Why turn blind eyes to these people?
傅雲欽 is attacking people who may not be perfect, but have contributed greatly to Taiwan. On the other hand, I have no knowledge of any contribution from 傅雲欽. I certainly hope 傅雲欽 contribute to Taiwan's good. He can start with protecting Taiwan from its enemies: KMT and China, and speaking against social injustice. I would be pleased to see him working with his comrades, instead of attacking them and sabotaging their effort.

1 則留言:

  1. 1. If you don't want to receive any messages from Mr. Fu, you can easily send him a message
    to that effect.
    Mr. Fu is attacking those people who claim to be supporting 建國, while only playing political games togehter with Mr. Chen.

    2. 民進黨的走狗 is a accurate descrpition of those lackey who were in Chen administration(for example like 李鴻禧 as 國策顧問 but didn't do their duty to monitor Chen's policy when he was president.

    3. By the way, Mr. Fu means the people in Chen's inner circle should make apology, not people like you who are not in his inner circle.

    4. Mr. Fu is attacking these so-called "comrades" exactly because their approach towards KMT in Chen administration; what they should do back then is stand up
    against KMT and at the same time also
    warn against Chen's policy

    5. To be honestly, you don't know squad about
    Mr. Fu's contributions, let's not embarasse yourself. When he was contributing to democracy in Taiwan, you are still sucking your mother's tities.

    6. So in short, you are barking at the wrong tree, pal.
